Welcome to my blog!!

I want to welcome all of my friends, family and anyone reading my blog. Thank you for being a part of my daily trials of being a nurse with a passion for food. I hope you will enjoy the posting from me and all that I love.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The "Perfect" Pantry

Let me start by saying there is no such thing as a perfect pantry. There are the things that I use all the time that may be different from what you use all the time. I have compiled a list of things that I try to keep in my kitchen so that I am not constantly going back and forth to the store. For those that know me well, you know that I am not going without pasta, mayonnaise, ketchup or green beans. (Not all together) These are things that are staples in my pantry. In order to pull a meal together quickly and conveniently, there are a few things that I suggest you keep. If you have a pantry stocked with non perishables, then you should only have to shop a couple of times a week for fresh produce. Below is my suggested list. If you don't know where to start, I hope this helps. You can add or take away according to your likes and needs.

Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder(not garlic salt), Italian seasoning. I use a lot of Old Bay, Tony Chachere's, and Cavenders.

Liquids, Sauces, Marinades, Etc...
Soy Sauce, Mayonnaise, Ranch dressing mix(you can get a big mix at Sam's or Costco) Honey, Ketchup, Yellow mustard, Dijon mustard, Worcestershire sauce, Italian dressing, bar b Que sauce. I use a lot of horseradish and stone ground mustard so I keep it handy.

Seasoned bread crumbs, non stick spray, olive oil, canola oil, onion soup mix, balsamic vinegar and red wine vinegar. I use rice wine vinegar a good bit.

A variety of dried pasta. rice (Instant or regular), quick grits and oatmeal and dried beans. I usually keep dried pinto beans, black eyed peas and lentils.

Canned or frozen vegetables, I prefer frozen. They just taste better, but if you prefer canned so that. I keep canned green beans for a snack.I also keep canned tuna and chicken for impromptu meals/appetizers.

Cream of mushroom and cream of chicken soups, chicken and beef broth/stock, tomato bisque, tomato paste, tomato puree, diced tomatoes, rotel

In the fridge I keep milk and eggs.

These are all basic things that can save your life or just your night.

I am a planner. I like to plan my week of meals, I even account for leftover nights. Then, I look in my pantry to see what I need and then I make a grocery list. I try to make only two trips to the store a week to keep from buying unnecessary items. I do a big shop at the first of the week or on Saturday, and then I pick up a few things like more bananas and salad stuff about Wednesday or so.

I hope my ideas will make your life easier.

Creamy Chicken and Rice
Serves 4
Prep time: about 30 minutes.

3 large chicken breasts
1 cup rice
2 cups water
2 cans cream of mushroom soup Or cream of chicken
1 onion, chopped
1 cup sliced button mushrooms (can be omitted)
3 Tbsp. Butter, 2 Tbsp Butter
! Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
salt, pepper, garlic and dill(optional)

Poach your chicken in 4 cups of water and season the water with salt, pepper and garlic. If you want to make life really easy, put the chicken and water in the crock pot on low before you go to work and by the time you get home it will be done (about 6 hours on low). When chicken is done shred it up and put it to the side. Reserve about 1 to 2 cups of the poaching liquid. .

Melt 3 Tbsp butter in a sauce pan, add rice and cook about one minute coating the rice with the butter. Add 2 cups of water to the rice, bring to a boil, cover, turn to low and cook 16 minutes. Turn heat off and let stand five minutes. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES open the lid until you are ready to eat. The lid traps the steam and makes your rice fluffy, not crunchy. If you would like you can use Minute rice instead.

Place 2 Tbsp butter and olive oil in sauce pan on medium heat. Saute onion and mushrooms until soft, add 2 cans of soup and enough of your poaching liquid to make the sauce creamy but not runny. (Between 1/2 to one cup) Add salt, pepper, garlic to taste, add Dijon mustard and stir well. Bring to a bubble and add chicken back in. You can add a sprinkle of dill now if you wish. We like it so I use it if you don't like dill or don't have it, don't worry, it is just as good.

Serve chicken over rice.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Really long time!!!

Well, it has been an eternity since I have posted on my blog. Lots has happened since July. We had a great shower where we received many nice pink gifts. I spent two weeks on bed rest and delivered four weeks early. Much to my surprise I delivered a beautiful baby BOY!!!! Not a girl. Thankfully I had been on bed rest and had not removed any tags yet so we were able to take most things back and exchange them. However, Dawn was supposed to come to my house that day after church and help Bert with that kind of stuff. Yes, after numerous ultrasounds, we had a boy, instead of a girl. Avery Travis Frazier, he is my precious angel. He was delivered via C-Section, on Sunday, August 28th at noon, much to our surprise. I really thought that I was having a gallbladder attack, but it turns out that I had HELP syndrome(High blood pressure, elevated liver enzymes and protein in the urine). He was fine I was not, so we had a baby. Due to his being so early, he had a few breathing issues and has a condition called Hypospadius. That is where the hole for the urine is in the wrong place on the penis. He will require surgery at about 6 months to a year, but I have been reassured that it is a surgery done daily with excellent results at UMC. This is why we never saw a penis on the US because it lays flat and the scrotum looked like labia on the US. He will be fully functional as far as reproduction after the surgery, but He ha no problems with it now, in fact he pees on us routinely.

Avery is now four months old and beautifully handsome. He looks like a perfect mix of Me and Bert. He is alert, happy and growing. At birth He was 5 pounds and 5 ounces and 18 inches long. Wednesday at his checkup He was 12 pounds and 24 inches long. He is growing so well. He eats good and is even eating fruit and cereal.

I went back to work in October and unfortunately lost my job the week before Christmas. I know the Lord has a plan for us, but I am truly uncertain as to what it is. As for now I am looking for a job and enjoying the extra time I have been given with my husband and child.

Motherhood has been a n extreme blessing for me. I have always been satisfied and happy with my relationship with my husband. He and and I have always been close and were happy with our lives before Avery. However, the birth our child has brought us closer together and made us happier than we could have ever imagined.

2011 was a year of great surprise, joy, turmoil, pain and confusion, but I would not have it any other way. The Lord has a plan for us and I have every intention of shutting up and listening. 2012 is sure to be a great year because we are going to make it that way.

Now that I have time I will post a few times a week with Avery stories and meal planning ideas. If you have any requests for recipes let me know!

Love to all!


Friday, July 15, 2011

Ready to POP!!!

So here we are, 30 weeks pregnant. I feel like a beached whale and I still have 10 weeks to go. I am truly blessed though because I have had a very uneventful pregnancy. No cramping or bleeding, blood pressure has been pretty good and blood sugars are good... when I am good! The baby room is finished and we are having our first baby shower tomorrow. We have already received so many nice gifts, our sweet Lyndee is already so loved and so blessed to have so many people that care about her. Thank you all for your prayers and concerns. We also got a 3D ultrasound this week and the little booger looks just like her daddy! Love to all! Mandee

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Let's Catch Up!

So it has definitely been a few weeks since I have posted. There has been so much going on in our life and at work! The baby room is coming along slowly but surely. Everything has been painted and the new ceiling fan is up. It looks fantastic. My hubby is the greatest and has the patience and persistence of a saint. The carpet will be in on Friday and then we can finally get the crib up! Baby Lyndee is growing by leaps and bounds. Last week she was almost 13 inches long and a little over 1.5 pounds. She is moving more and some days I think she is jumping rope with her umbilical cord but if she is active then she is doing what she is supposed to be doing. I am so blessed to be having a child and to be having a child with the one person I love whole heartedly. It is so funny how things like your perspective and priorities change once you realize you are going to become a parent. I already love Lyndee so much. It hard to think that I could love anyone this much. I am 27 weeks today and so far have had an uneventful pregnancy. Let's hope that stays the same all the way through. It is hard to think that I only have 13 weeks to go before we get to meet our Little Princess. I am so excited and a little scared, but so ready for this joyous experience to begin. Thanks to all for your love, thoughts and prayers. I will try to keep up the posts a little more frequently in the future. With love to all. Mandee

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Still Displaced..

So today is Thursday and I am still displaced at my Dad and Davids house. Please so not get me wrong, I am completely comfortable and have all the amenities but I miss my husband and my home and my bed. I am grateful that I have a place to stay. Just tired of not being at home. Bert is working as hard as he can and hopefully I will be able to go back home Saturday or Sunday once the paint fumes have had time to die down. The nursery is going to be beautiful and all is going to be okay, Just the craziness that poor Bert has had to overcome to get it together. Please pray that Bert has enough strength and energy to hold out and that David and I don't drown Daddy.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Yes really, I have the best husband in the world. I would like to say thank you to him for taking his long weekend to work on the nursery. There may be water works in the near future. He has made three trips to lowes, and two of those were today. We have also changed directions in the nursery and are going to have the room carpeted. Lord knows that this has been a trying weekend for Bert. Every time he starts a project something else falls through. thankfully I have been at Dad's "on vacation" pretty much out of the way but man do I feel useless. He is busting his butt and my butt has been floating in the pool. Please pray for him that his patience and energy will hold out.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Not much today...

Well not much to say today. Got a lot to do today but I have got to get a little rest before I go to work tonight. I am pricing all the garage sale stuff while my little fuzzy monster is at the groomers getting a much needed bath and Mani-pedi!!! Man did she ever need those toenails cut. Trying to get as much done before the weekend. Poor Bert is going to try and get the baby room ready for furniture. I am trying to get as much out of the way as possible but I sure am slow! There will be no recipes this weekend because I am being banned to the Paw Paw Hilton due to the carpet ripping and painting that is planned for my house. I will be being a lazy pregnant lady of leisure. Should you need me this weekend check the pool at Daddy's, If I am not there then I will be on the couch watching the unlimited cable on the big screen!